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Ice Imp

Age: 20  Height: 3' 

A rather anti-social gal. Having grown up with a disability affecting her ice magic that only allowed her to create snow, she spent most of her time avoiding people. And generally, just not dealing with the nuances of others. But she can be rather sisterly towards those she is close too. She now spends most of her time with her girlfriend; Roxy. Who is quite opposite to her in many ways.


Ice Imp

Age: 21  Height: 3' 

A lass with a Peppy personality. Overall pretty friendly and apporachable. But she can also be a bit of a tease, and tends to pull some silly pranks here and there. While much different than Christy, the two are dating. And now spend most of their free time together.


Fire Imp

Age: 20  Height: 3'1 

Having dealt with anger issues in the past Molt now also mostly keeps to himself. He's still rather aggreviatable, so best not to mess with him. Lest you want a fistful of fire in your face. He also had dated Christy in the past. The two are still friends. Kinda.


Electric Imp

Age: 18  Height: 2' 

Christy's adoptive brother. While being rather short, even for imp sizes, he's full of energy. He has trouble finding ways to outlet all that energy tho. He can be rather sweet outgoing.


Water Imp

Age: 23  Height: 3'1   

The royal princess of the water imp tribe. Natalie is rather rambunctious. And is never really interested in any of the royal responsibilities or lifestyle she is expected to bear. Sneaking out at night, partying and getting drunk. Going with the flow of any situation.


Fire Imp

Age: 24  Height: 3'4   

Alexandra is the one of the last if not the last fire imp still living in their homeland. A red desert constantly engulfed in mystical flames. She spends her days scavenging and tinkering with all the stuff she finds. Alex also has quite the knack for engineering and tinkering, having built her own flaregun and fireworks.


Electric Imp

Age: 24  Height: 4'   

Vince is a party animal. He runs a DJ for electric imps on the eastern part of the island. They've given up on any kind of responsabilities, and live day by day. He's got a sarcastic and snarky attitude. But overall doesn't mean any harm to anyone.


Winter Incarnate / Ice Imp

Age: 21 (canon) Height: 3'1   

My main sona. An Ice Imp born with an odd purple coat and lack of wings. While having no wings like the rest of his kind, he is substantially more gifted in his magic abilities. Able to conjure and form durable weapons of ice at extreme proficiency. Something that would normally take years of training for an average Ice Imp. Going by the moniker of Purpulear or just 'Purp' most of the time. He tends to do whatever he feels like doing at the moment, and his emotions can be considered crazy and sporadic. However most of the time he can be pretty friendly. But overall dominating for a little guy.

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